Firing Vibes: A competitive multiplayer FPS with NFTs
wen mint? When game launches!
wen game? Q4 2021!
price? Completely free to play, earn by playing!
New world, New Gameplay, New Identity
Welcome to a new game, welcome to a new world. A radiant world where everything is made of light.
You control one of the intelligent forms of light from this world, called a Vibe. Using your Vibe capabilities you will experience the game’s unique gameplay. And throughout your PvP battles in this world you will earn NFTs and forge your Vibe’s identity.
NFT games can be fun?
The main objective of Firing Vibes is to be as fun to play as it can. After several years of testing, iterating and polishing gameplay mechanics we can at least say that Firing Vibes proposes a fresh and unique experience.
And it’s already playable, well kinda.
The game is currently in restricted access Beta. But will be available for everyone to play before the end of 2021.
You will be able to earn and collect NFTs when the game launches publicly. Only the first set of NFTs will be available at launch. These and all the upcoming Firing Vibes NFTs will be cosmetic types of assets, never influencing gameplay (pay to win = nobueno). Check our other articles for more details about the NFTs.
We believe in NFTs
NFTs are the new hype.
But let’s look beyond the crazy price action, the shiny announcements and promises. We believe this technology will storm the gaming industry. Game assets ownership and player owned economies are here to stay, strenghening communities, creating new buisness models and empowering players. Firing Vibes will try to embody these beliefs.
Launching on Solana
We want this game to be accessible to every players, crypto natives or not.
That is why our NFTs will be powered by the Solana blockchain and Stardust. The high performance of Solana combined with the User Experience of Stardust will make Firing Vibes NFTs easy to use for everyone. More details about our NFTs integration will come in a later article.